Refuel Refresh Revive
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"For decades Dr. Diehl has given encouragement and inspiration to thousands through his preaching ministry. Now, in this volume, we can relearn lessons he taught us through the reading of his sermonettes. I highly recommend "Refuel Refresh
Revive" for renewed energy from our valued friend and mentor"
Dr. Loren Gresham,
President Emeritus, Southern Nazarene University
“'Refuel Refresh Revive' is a fitting title for this book from the heart and pen of a favorite
preacher in Christendom. Dr. Jim Diehl has a gift in relating to the needs of readers and
listeners. His writings have been shaped by “down to earth” experiences. While Dr. Diehl challenges people to a personal renewal in Christ, he “wraps the call in compassion and joy'”.
Dr. Nina Gunter, General Superintendent Emeritus, Church of the Nazarene
During Covid, Dr. Jim Diehl brought some sunshine into our lives with his weekly telecast. These pastoral moments have now been transcribed into this wonderful book “Refuel Refresh
Revive”. I am pleased to give my strongest endorsement. Read and be blessed!
Dr. Tom Hermiz,
General Superintendent Emeritus, Churches of Christ in Christian Union

Jim Diehl could be called Dr. Diehl or Rev. Diehl but he prefers being called Pastor Diehl. He has been senior pastor of five churches of the Nazarene across the years in Iowa, Georgia, and Colorado and, at the time of this writing, he is serving as co-pastor of the Lakewood, Colorado Church of the Nazarene. He also served for ten years as District Superintendent of two Districts (Nebraska and Colorado) and "one chapter of his life" as Vice President of Mid America Nazarene University. In 2011 the Board of Trustees of Mid America Nazarene University invited him to be their Interim President where he served for seven months. He is a graduate of Olivet Nazarene University and in 1990, Northwest Nazarene University conferred on him the Doctor of Divinity degree in recognition of his leadership and ministry accomplishments.
In 1993 the General Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene elected him to serve as General Superintendent, a position he filled for sixteen years. Serving as an administrator in the denomination that has churches around the world, he ended up traveling to 105 countries of the world preaching, conducting conferences, and ordaining new ministers. When he retired from that position in 2009, he had ordained just over 1600 new ministers. Diehl also has been a prolific writer having articles that have appeared in ten different publications as well as chapters written for several different books.
Diehl married his high school sweetheart, Dorothy, while a student at Olivet Nazarene College. Jim and Dorothy were parents of four children, Jodi, Jim, Jr., Don, and David. They were married for 65 years and truly were a "team in ministry." Dave went to Heaven in 2008 because of melanoma cancer and Dorothy moved to her heavenly home in 2021. Jim and Dorothy were also proud grandparents of seven grandchildren and ten great grandchildren.
Diehl was never satisfied "maintaining status quo" as was demonstrated in his pastorate in Oskaloosa, Iowa where he developed a live radio broadcast from the pastor's office every weekday for 15-minutes for seven years. He and his staff also produced a television program which was telecast every Sunday morning over the NBC affiliate TV station in Ottumwa, Iowa. Communicating the good news of the gospel using every means possible has been the passion of Diehl's heart since his call to ministry which came in his senior year of high school.
He has laid down his administrative duties but his passion continues with an ongoing preaching ministry from a pastor's heart. He frequently speaks at camp meetings, college revivals, ministerial and/or lay retreats, zone crusades, and international events. He continues to make his home in Lakewood, Colorado.